What would it look like if it were easy?
One of my favorite questions I ask myself when I feel like things aren't moving.
“What would this look like if it were easy?” If I feel stressed, stretched thin, or overwhelmed, it’s usually because I’m overcomplicating something or failing to take the simple/easy path because I feel I should be trying “harder” (old habits die hard) - Tim Ferriss
Its such a lovely and deceptively leveraged question. It’s easy to convince yourself that things need to be hard, that if you’re not redlining or crushing it or pushing yourself ot the edge, you’re not trying hard enough and the results of your labour wouldn’t be worthy enough. This leads us to look for paths of most resistance, often creating unnecessary hardship in the process.
Weird how it’s all about perceptions and how we judge/react to the perceived difficulty of a task!